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The RCSW - deterrent controller with scarey clown/gas gun connections.

The VT3 - deterrent controller with audio.
Features and Benefits
- Built in radio receiver. Can be activated by radar or remote control.
- Deterrent sequence, time and duration changes for each activation.
- 120 dBA sound at 1 meter (adjustable)
- Speaker switching to mimic movement of sound
- Sound track switching over a 4 day period via a light sensor
- 4.5 minutes of sound track (15 to 30 second sections played during each activation).
- Digital quality sound system (16 kHz sampling)
- Easy to change, plug in sound track
- On board battery management system protects battery and extends battery performance/life
- Comes with solar panel and in built solar charger.
- Automatic on/off function via in-built light sensor
- Stainless steel, powder coated construction, sealed connectors and enclosures.
- Gas Gun interface and controller
- Inflatable scarecrow interface and controller
- Controller for visual deterrent devices - strobe lights/electric hawk/laser projector
- Plug in software upgrades
- Can be trailer mounted (photos for DIY trailers available)
- Timer models available for stand alone applications